Can I Drink Coffee with Veneers?

August 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Parham Ramtin @ 10:25 pm
person with veneers drinking coffee

If you have chips, gaps, minor alignment problems, cracks, misshapen teeth, or discoloration that’s keeping you from loving your smile, veneers may be the right option for you. These thin shells are made from dental-grade porcelain and cover the entire front part of a tooth to improve the way it looks. They are also highly resistant to stains, but will drinking coffee leave your new smile looking discolored? Read on to learn whether you can continue having your morning cup of joe after having porcelain veneers placed.

Can I Still Drink Coffee with Veneers?

The porcelain material that veneers are made from makes them the most stain-resistant cosmetic dental treatment. Porcelain is nonporous, which means that stains won’t seep into it like they do with your natural teeth. Even so, that doesn’t mean that it’s impossible for veneers to become discolored over time.

If you brush your teeth with abrasive toothpaste or a rough toothbrush, this can leave scratches on them. Stains from coffee and other highly-pigmented foods and drinks can collect in these scratches, which can make your smile look discolored. Additionally, smoking cigarettes or using other tobacco products may cause your veneers to stain.

4 Tips to Prevent Coffee from Staining Your Veneers

Though it’s still possible to stain your new smile, there are a few things you can do to lessen your risk of doing so, including:

  • Limit stain-causers – Cut back on your consumption of coffee, tea, grape and cranberry juice, cola, red wine, berries, and other dark or highly-pigmented foods and beverages. You can also drink through a straw to limit how much contact dark beverages have with your veneers.
  • Rinse your mouth out – After finishing your morning cup of coffee, rinse your mouth out with water. This will prevent the coffee from sitting on your teeth for too long.
  • Avoid tobacco products – As previously mentioned, tobacco products like cigarettes are notorious for staining teeth. Cut these out of your life to make your veneers look lovely for longer.
  • Practice good dental hygiene – Brush once in the morning and once at night for two minutes each time. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive fluoride toothpaste. You should also floss every night after dinner.

Along with the above tips, be sure to visit your dentist every six months. This will allow them to keep an eye on your smile and help you make the necessary adjustments to make your veneers last for years to come!

About the Author

A New Smile dental gives patients just that: a healthy, new smile! They are passionate about helping people in the Pacoima area improve the look of their smiles with a wide range of cosmetic treatments, including porcelain veneers. Led by Dr. Parham Ramtin, Dr. Deborah Termeie, Dr. Steven Choi, and Dr. Payman Kakoli, their wide range of expertise guarantees results you’ll love. Call A New Smile’s dental office at (818) 897-5771 or visit their website to learn more about their cosmetic services or to set up an appointment.